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December 2017
Balance for informal caregivers
What do informal care workers need to keep a healthy balance in their lives? We reflect upon what you as a policy advisor or (care) professional can do to help informal caregivers maintain their balance.
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The societal dimension of dementia
Movisie works together in various projects to improve the care and support of people with dementia and the people close to them in day-to-day life. What exactly does Movisie do? We will briefly outline three current projects.
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‘Experiential expertise is on the rise!’
Experts by experience are professionalizing at full speed, which leads to new questions and dilemmas. When can someone call himself an expert by experience? And should those experts have received special training?
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8th European conference for social work research
Conference   Edinburgh, 18 - 20 april 2018
Value for People and Populations: Investing in Integrated Care
conference   Utrecht, 23 - 25 may 2018
IFS Conference 2018 - Democracy, is it threatened?
conference   Helsinki, 6 - 8 june 2018
About Movisie
Sharing knowledge is a key aim of Movisie. We want to emphasize the importance of international knowledge transfer. The articles on our website and in this newsletter illustrate our ambition to work and cooperate internationally. Movisie contributes to a society in which people are empowered to full capacity.
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