Guilty on Tour. Who is to blame? Read online  |  Forward
January 2017
Problematic debts: causes and solutions
Being in debt is often seen as people’s own fault. To increase the general public’s understanding of the issue, a documentary series was broadcast on Dutch television concerning indebtedness. They are followed by a series of regional Guilty on Tour debates. Movisie will prepare a publication based on the findings.
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Social entrepreneurship in the neighbourhood
How can active residents, social entrepreneurs or social initiators improve the neighbourhood? Starters4Communities helps enterprising residents’ initiatives on their way by matching them to students in their final year of university.
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Compendium of good practices on local LGBTI policies
Local and regional authorities often do not know how to tackle discrimination and how to guarantee LGBTI people’s rights. To provide them with guidance in this regard, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe prepared a report and adopted a resolution based on a document prepared by Movisie.
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7th European Conference for Social Work Research
19 - 21 april 2017
2nd International Conference 'Every Child has the Right to...'
28 - 31 may 2017
Social work education in Europe: challenging boundaries, promoting a sustainable future
20 - 22 june 2017
About Movisie
Sharing knowledge is a key aim of Movisie. We want to emphasize the importance of international knowledge transfer. The articles on our website and in this newsletter illustrate our ambition to work and cooperate internationally. Movisie contributes to a society in which people are empowered to full capacity.
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