What can we do to prevent violence and to make women more resilient? Read online  |  Forward
August 2016
What can be done to combat sexual violence in asylum seekers’ centres?
The issue of sexual violence and refugees is high on the societal agenda currently. What can we do to prevent violence and to make women in shelters more resilient? What can we learn from studies and methodologies?
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International cities form Rainbow Cities Network
The Rainbow Cities aim to exchange their experiences with LGBT policies and share their do’s and don’t’s. Cities from all over Europe with an active local LGBT policy can join in the exchange of expertise and experience. In 2015, the first city from outside of Europe joined the Network: Mexico City.
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Roma and Sinti in the Netherlands still badly off
Despite small improvements, the social position of Roma and Sinti in the Netherlands is still cause for worry. As is shown in the research report of Risbo, following up on the monitor Inclusion of Roma and Sinti by Movisie in 2013. A summary, a comparison and a look at the future.
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11th European Research Conference on Homelessness
23 september 2016
IFS Conference 2016
28 september 2016
18th WAVE Conference
19 oktober 2016
About Movisie
Sharing knowledge is a key aim of Movisie. We want to emphasize the importance of international knowledge transfer. The articles on our website and in this newsletter illustrate our ambition to work and cooperate internationally. Movisie contributes to a society in which people are empowered to full capacity.
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